Nostalgia is something that can save you from boredom and keep you jobless! I went to one of my aunt's place yesterday and there all the 'elders' started on the discussion of our childhood memories. I again saw the place where my first birthday was celebrated, a supposedly surprise party planned by my sisters and cousins, as if I would've understoof every bit of it then! Anyway, photographs store all the old data that slips somewhere in an obscure corner of brain in the heat of ambition, desires and dissatisfactions and it's awesome to read that data again and realize what a life kids have! How we never had any particular job to do but still never stayed idle, something which i think is carried on till now!! Endless memories and endless tales about childhood incidents :) :)...
Similarly, music is another source of nostalgia/memories. And amidst the hardcore joblessness and potential risk of boredom, I re-discovered a lost habit of mine - listening to songs, eyes closed, getting reminded of whatever comes to mind, lyrics, music, tune, all take a backseat and what prevails is the bunch of memories attached to different songs. I used to love doing this, still do. So here's what I've been listening to and thinking of (in a high chronological entropy).
It starts with Norwegian Wood by Beatles - all the time in chennai this summer, walking 'two bus stops' to catch a 29C or 27D, crossing roads by jumping over dividers, Vag busy smsing (:D), the routine 3 biscuit plate comprising a krack-jack, a good day and a sunfeast and the coffee at Nani Palkhivala Arbitration Centre, Saravana Bhavan with Tarun, Cassa Piccola, Mount Road, Landmark, my precious, etc. etc. etc.
Then it plays Dear Prudence again by Beatles - the time around the first round of our selection moot.. Then..
Wake me up when September ends (Greenday) - the entire time from my ISC pre-boards to clat.. every night while sleeping.. the song playing on comp's 5.1, my sister online reading for her GRE..
Tum se hi (Jab we met) and Dum Laga - Cricket matches in our school, practice with the entire team, Cricket IPSC, November 2008, this place in haryana called Sonepat, huge school, lush green brilliant grounds, land full of punjabis and jats.
In the shadows (Rasmus) - vacations after 10th boards, football & cricket every evening at raipur NIT ground, altercations with the guard!
What I've done (Linkin Park) - one of my all time favourites, just a brilliant song, have been listening to it almost at all times so no particular feeling attached..
Yakeen (Atif) - LKSEC school at Gotan, Rajasthan, September 2008, open windy barren stretches with people from 25 schools from throughout the country...
Fired up (MC Hush) - my room BH-3 313, Laban dancing half naked, vag and tag join in, all start dancing, sometimes even in the morning before going to the class...
To phir aao (awarapan) - brilliant time, july-august 2008, maths tuition, early morning, school, football, dramatics, clouds and rains, my biggest b'day bash!!
In the end (Linkin Park) - rushh inn roll, our party home here in raipur...
Rise up (Yves Larock) - VH1 every morning after clat, DJ night in carpe diem '09, jumping and dancing in circles, red bulls!
18 till I die (Bryan Adams) - one of my anthems since class 8!
Last Resort (Papa Roach) - Early days in college, hostel, room 309 BH-3, dancing in the corridor during powercuts in the night!
Summer of 69 (Bryan Adams) - Another evergreen song, my caller tune for a year :D, school days in general, might well be summer of '09 after some years!!
Jerk it out (The Caesers) - Recently shifted to room 313, vag and tag as new neighbours, night outs at sanjay's place in the first semester...
Here without you (3 doors down) - watching goal 2 at Sanjay's room, brilliant song, end of 1st semester..
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) - ah well... here it is then... have been listening to it almost perpetually... but for memory sake, the whole of second semester... and the deeper meanings of the song...
Satisfaction (Trance) & track 9 (another trance, i don't know the name and it doesn't even matter since it is a trance) - balli's car, bolero, bass tube, pole dance in the back of the car!! :D :D !!
Best of me (Bryan Adams) - when you need it, when you want it, you'll always have the best of me... the busy busy summer holidays in 2008...
Bam bam bole (taare zameen par) - pre-boards in 12th, radio mirchi, farewell...
City of Blinding Lights (U2) - Sanjay's room in the hostel, blaring 'oh you look so beautiful tonight' with Sanjay and me shouting at the top of our voices and ball dancing!!
Bakhuda (Kismat Connection) - Morning at home, 9X, mom and dad having breakfast...
World hold on (Bob Sinclair) - there's something in its lyrics, it always makes me feel good... reminiscent of rushh inn roll...
Riders on the Storm (Creed) - Rainy days in college, the time around independence day weekend in the first sem, half empty hostel, ragging every night...
Global deejays (trance) - Sanjay's Santro, Sanjay driving, Laban on the front seat, Vag sitting behind him, then me and then Tarun sitting behind Sanjay, Subway and Pizza Hut at Begumpet, Prasad's IMAX, Famous Ice-cream, EPL at Sanjay's place...
When the Levee Breaks and Kashmir (Led Zeppelin) & dance of the death (Iron Maiden) - Booze parties in our hostel... i needn't describe anything more...
No more sorrow (Linkin Park) - Amnesty dance drama in the first semester!
With or Without you (U2) - Sanjay's swift, latest car song...
Escape (Enrique) - Annual Function/Prize Giving in my school, Dec 2004.
My December (Linkin Park) and Aditi (jaane tu ya jaane na) - June end '08, in Hyderabad with dad, just before joining college...
Well here ends my current playlist... stayed busy while being jobless.. proved my point!!
Digital photographs, no matter how convenient, lack the charm that film photography had. Now that we don't have to worry about camera rolls getting over, we take so many pictures, going through them doesn't make us nearly as happy as opening those old dusty albums lying in the loft for months, before we stumble upon them and rediscover old memories....I was wondering what the procedure for admission into the jobless club was :D
I think you're already in there Sam!
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